Langton House Hotel Wedding

This was the first wedding I’ve shot at the Langton House Hotel in Kilkenny. It blew me away as a chic wedding venue with gorgeous details. It was perfect for this bride and groom, who brought a great sense of dramatic flair to their wedding.

Langton House Hotel Wedding

This was the first wedding I’ve shot at the Langton House Hotel in Kilkenny. It blew me away as a chic wedding venue with gorgeous details. It was perfect for this bride and groom, who brought a great sense of dramatic flair to their wedding.

I knew from the moment I met this couple that we were going to have a great time together. They were so ready to have fun with their wedding and truly bring their personalities out through the details. From the bride’s cropped leather jacket to the music-themed table settings, this was a unique wedding that brought out the joy of this relationship.

I don’t think they could have picked a more perfect ceremony space. The Langton House Hotel has a number of different wedding spaces, but one of the most interesting is the Set Theatre, a gorgeous and intimate theatre full of velvet and even a red carpet. If you’re looking for a wedding venue where you’ll feel like stars, and your guests will feel like VIPs, this is a great option.

Langton House is located right in Kilkenny city centre, so we were able to nip out to take some wonderful photos around town, including at Kilkenny Castle. It was an overcast fall day, which worked perfectly with this wedding party’s luxe look.


For the reception, we switched over to the hotel’s Langton Ballroom, a gorgeous, more traditional space. What really sets this ballroom apart are its details: 20-foot ceilings, hand-painted silk wallpaper, ornately tiled floors, and its own full bar. There was even a private conservatory, where we got to take some lovely romantic photos after nightfall.

It was a gorgeous, joyous wedding, and I so enjoyed working with this couple. I hope other couples looking for that touch of drama and luxury will find inspiration in the album below.

Wedding at Langton House Hotel

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Langton House Hotel Wedding

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